What Your Neighbour Steals from You Unknowingly

If you live in Nairobi, then you must have seen or experienced a robbery in your neighbourhood.

And it doesn’t necessarily mean that reprobate men showed up at your door wielding machetes and threatened to chop off your nose. No - nothing of the sorts.

I’m talking about the small things that more often than not go unnoticed but have dire consequences. Most of the time they are very annoying.

Here are some of them in no particular order and some remedies to avoid being a perennial victim.

1. Wi-Fi

If your internet is too slow for the speeds you are subscribed to, then you probably have unwanted guests latching onto your connection. You must have given that neighbour the password once to reply to some important email but now they have distributed it to the whole apartment block.

Now I’m assuming you have noticed so it is wise to change your password - effectively locking them out for good.

As a precaution, you can change your Wi-Fi name and keep on doing that every-now-and-then to keep off the hackers.

2. Parking trouble

Ever encountered an inconsiderate neighbour who intentionally parks in your space? How about the ones who block you and are not early risers?

Such occurrences, especially on Monday mornings, are always rampant where you find yourself blocked by 5 cars and late for that important meeting.

A simple solution is to make-friendly with the guard and have him reserve your parking spot.

[caption caption="File image of cars parked in a neighbourhood"][/caption]

Also, you could set ground rules with your neighbours so that you do not block each other when parking.

3. Your Precious Clothes

When you live in a flat with a shared clothing-line, then finding some of your clothes missing is not a surprise.

It starts with your socks - and the next thing you know - that classy deal-closing shirt is also gone.

Then more disappearances and you are only left hanging onto your briefs.

[caption caption="File image of an apartment complex"][/caption]

And you surely can’t be sitting around to watch your clothes dry up - so what next?

We suggest doing your washing during the weekend when you are in as this might deter some of the perpetrators who might be worried someone is watching them.

You can also give the responsibility to the flat guard who will charge you for the service of course.

4. Your Money

In this digital age, we are constantly on our smartphones. As you take out that precious device, you may drop a note or wad of cash unknowingly.

Your neighbour might be the accidental beneficiary.

Speaking of preventing loss of money, there is Co-op Kwa Jirani which has made banking very easy. You just step out for some groceries - and there it is.

You can make deposits at your convenience, withdraw money and make payments for anything and everything including all your utility bills.

[caption caption="Co-op Kwa Jirani Agent"][/caption]


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