What NASA Principals Discussed in Athi River Meeting

National Super Alliance (NASA) principals have revealed what they discussed during their closed-door meeting on Monday. 

Addressing journalists at Athi River, ANC Party leader Musalia Mudavadi stated that ODM Party leader Raila Odinga briefed them on what they discussed with President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday.

"We have listened to Raila Odinga and he has explained everything he discussed with President Uhuru Kenyatta," Musalia stated.

"He has answered everything. However, we are still open to dialogue and we will still hold consultations on these weighty issues," he added.

[caption caption="NASA leaders during the meeting in Athi River"][/caption]

Mudavadi maintained that they encouraged constructive and structured dialogue to address the causes of our the National problems.

The ANC leader further maintained that NASA was still inclined towards reforms on electoral injustice, insecurity, challenges to devolution, inclusivity, poverty and the attack on the independence of Judiciary.

During the meeting, the principals also resolved to have constituent parties ratify the move to work with Jubilee on unity.

Raila joined the three other NASA co-principals for the meeting amid allegations of mistrust that threatened to tear the Opposition coalition apart.

After Raila’s meeting with President Kenyatta, the three other NASA principals had accused the former Prime Minister of betrayal.

[caption caption="Musalia Mudavadi embracing Raila Odinga"][/caption]

They had alleged that Raila had not spoken to them since the Friday’s surprise development.