Ruth Odinga Endorses Annah Nyokabi for Nairobi Deputy Governor

Former Kisumu Deputy Governor Ruth Odinga has endorsed President Uhuru Kenyatta's cousin Annah Nyokabi to be the next deputy governor of Nairobi.

Odinga stated that the former Kiambu Woman Representative deserves the post due to her proven track record.

"She has been tried as a Woman Rep and tested. I believe she has what it takes to help governor Sonko drive his agenda," stated Odinga's sister.

Last week NASA leader Raila Odinga also backed Nyokabi for the job.

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Speaking at his Capitol Hill office, the Opposition leader reiterated that she is the best suit candidate to fill the position.

"I have known Nyokabi for a long time and her record as an MP speaks for itself, especially when it comes to promotion of gender equality, economic empowerment and wealth creation,” Raila exclaimed.

Ms Nyokabi has more than 25 years of experience both in the private and public sector. 

She holds a degree in political science from York University in Toronto Canada and a postgraduate diploma in international business management from Seneca College, Canada.

She is further credited with the building of a unique community centre with a public library, gender violence centre, a recording studio, an ICT centre and a hall with a capacity of 500 people during her term as MP.

Last month, troubled lawyer Miguna Miguna called for the deportation of Nyokabi together with First Lady Margaret Kenyatta.

"The DESPOT @UKenyatta should begin by deporting his wife MARGARET KENYATTA a dual citizen of Germany & Kenya & his cousin ANNAH NYOKABI GATHECHA former KIAMBU WOMEN REP who is a DUAL CITIZEN of Canada & Kenya before he touches #MigunaMiguna," he stated.

[caption caption="Margaret Kenyatta"][/caption]

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