Kenya Attends US Embassy Opening in Jerusalem

Kenya was among five African countries that attended the controversial opening of the new United States embassy in Jerusalem, Israel on Monday.

Tanzania, South Sudan, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Kenya all sent representatives to the event that sparked intense debate across the world.

Israel's Foreign Affairs ministry disclosed that it had invited all 86 countries with diplomatic missions within their borders but only 33 confirmed attendance.

The move by US President Donald Trump to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel sparked a deadly conflict at the Israel-Palestine border.

59 Palestinians have so far been killed by Israeli Forces in the Gaza Strip where riots broke out.

[caption caption="Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu with US President Donald Trump"][/caption]

Palestine and Israel both lay claim to Jerusalem and Trump's endorsement is seen as a win for the Israeli side.

The decision by Trump represents a policy break for the US which has traditionally sought to appear as a neutral party in the conflict despite leaning towards Israel.

Former US President Barrack Obama referred to Jerusalem as 'the capital of Israel' and stated that it must remain 'undivided' while others such as Bill Clinton supported the proposal to move the embassy in principle.

Several countries have already protested the embassy move and the deaths of Palestinians at the hands of Israeli forces.

South Africa, for instance, recalled its ambassador to Israel over the killing of the largely unarmed Palestinian protesters.

“The South African government condemns in the strongest terms possible the latest act of violent aggression carried out by Israeli armed forces along the Gaza border, which has led to the deaths of over 40 civilians,” Ndivhuwo Mabaya, spokesperson for the Department of International Relations and Co-operation declared in a statement.

[caption caption="Sara Netanyahu and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu with White House Advisors Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump at the opening of the new embassy (L-R)"][/caption]

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