Police Issue Warning on Nairobi's Network of Matatu Robbers

City commuters have been put on high alert over a network of thugs who collude with matatu touts and drivers to rob them of belongings early in the morning and late in the night.

Matatus the gang operates in bear the registration numbers; KAU 563B, KBB 901B, KAB 875, KBH 876Y and KAT 593H plying the Thika Super Highway.

The criminal gang working on at least five matatus identified by police entice passengers to board and allocate them seats set and well reserved next to the robbers on board.

After minutes of the ride, the gang reigns terror on the unsuspecting commuters using blunt objects. 

The thugs demand mobile phones and money from the passengers before forcing them to alight at odd hours when one cannot easily raise an alarm.

[caption caption="Passengers at bus station in Nairobi"][/caption]

Ruiru OCPD James Ng'etich says the robbers pose as passengers and routinely use one of their own as a tout to prospect their next loot and pay him Sh1000 for every successful robbery.

"Whenever one passenger boards the vehicle, they are forced to alight at the next stage after being robbed. The victims can not even report or call for help because it is usually already late or early in the morning. The complainants who have come forward have also been injured by the thieves who use crude weapons," Mr Ng'etich warned.

In a crackdown conducted in Ruiru on Sunday, three suspects; Alfred Macharia Mungai, Samwel Kamau Wanyoike and Charles Omondi Opundo were arrested and are being held ar Ruiru police station.

Omondi, according to the officers, is charged with identifying passengers with valuables and helps convince them to board the terror matatus.

[caption caption="Matatu parking lot "][/caption]

A number of valuables were recovered in the ambush such as ID Cards, Sim-cards and mobile phones kept inside the suspect's matatu. A police officer who boarded the vehicle as a passenger aided the arrests.

Mr Ngetich called on members of the public who have fallen victim to the robbery web to visit the station and help identify the criminals.

One of the vehicle belonging to Travelers Sacco, KBH 876 Y, had been put on the spot after its operators took a Chinese passenger's Sh10, 000 while plying Mombasa road.

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