First Saturday of Every Month Declared as Nairobi’s Cleaning Day

,Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has directed that the first Saturday of every month will be devoted to cleaning the city.

Speaking on Tuesday in Kikuyu, Kiambu County the governor indicated that the move is aimed at returning the city to its former glory as the ‘city under the sun.’

“Our objective is to add to the efforts by the national government and agencies such as the Nairobi regeneration committee and NEMA in keeping the city clean,” he indicated.

The move to clean up the city has emulated Rwanda which has a national cleaning day every month.

[caption caption="Dandora dumpsite"][/caption]

Sonko also revealed that the contracts for garbage collection had expired and the county assembly would initiate a new process to collect the garbage.

He cited that this will ensure that there is a change in the way garbage handling is done.

Nairobi regeneration Committee disclosed that Ksh700 million previously used to cater for the tenders will be awarded to youths to do the job.

Speaking at the same venue, Environment and Natural Resources county executive Larry Wambua mentioned that cleaning will be facilitated by community-based organizations.

“I request Nairobians to participate in the monthly clean-up day as cleanliness is an individual and collective duty,” Wambua stated.

This announcement comes only days before a team comprising of boda-boda operators, hawkers and matatu owners is dispatched to Kigali in Rwanda for benchmarking on how to keep the city clean.

When contacted by, Deputy Communications Director of Nairobi county Jacob Elkana Teddy indicated that the issue would be addressed comprehensively in the next press briefing by the governor.

[caption caption="Sonko rescue team during a clean up process"][/caption]