How New Police Uniform Came to Be

It took at least seven meetings for a multi-agency security team to decide on the colour and design of the new police uniform unveiled by President Uhuru Kenyatta last week.

Members of the team included representatives from National Police Service, Kenya Prisons Service, Kenya Forest Service, Kenya Wildlife Service and National Youth Service.

The team was chaired by the Vice Chief of Defence Forces (VCDF) of Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) Lt Gen. Joseph Kasaon.

After comparing many options, the team adopted deep blue as the new colour to be adopted for General Duty Officers uniform.

The Uniform Committee arrived at the new outfit after comparing what other regional and local security agencies wear as their uniform.

It was not a one off decision. Much was considered and it will take at least two years to change,” a senior officer told the Standard.

The process to get a new uniform started in March 2018 when President Kenyatta gave a nod to proposed changes in the security department.

Officials revealed that given the Administration Police (AP) merge with Kenya Police Service, it was prudent to have a new uniform.

They were integrated into a new unit referred to as the General Duty Officers (GD).

General Duty officers will be tasked with border security and combating cattle rustling.

The changes to be rolled out in the next three years will see the Kenya Police focus on public security and safety.