Vihiga County to Pay 2,000 Workers in Cash to Tame Corruption

The County Government of Vihiga has devolved a new way of fighting corruption.

Starting May this year, the county will disburse salaries to more than 2,000 of its workers in cash in order to weed out its rampant ghost workers.

According to Public Service executive Paul Mbuni, the exercise is expected to take place for 15 days.

He further revealed that the process, which involves Ksh100 million, was set to take place this month but was postponed due to logistical challenges.

This comes just days after a payroll officer of the same government was arrested for illegally wiring Ksh 500,000 of public money to his wife.

The rogue officer was arrested alongside his manager as a move by the county's governor Wilber Ottichilo to end the rampant ghost workers.

Confirming the arrest at the time, Mbuni revealed that the wife had been receiving payments despite her not being an employee of the county.

In July 2018, Vihiga County Governor Ottichilo embarked on a payroll ghost workers clean up.

At the time, audit records revealed that seven children had been hired by the county and were on active payroll.

In a report released by Ottichilo, the minors earned a salary of Ksh 25,000 and shared bank account with adults.

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