Miguna Responds to Oscar Sudi's Vow to Fight for Him

Kapseret MP, Oscar Sudi, on Wednesday vowed to fight to bring Miguna Miguna, who was deported in 2018, back to Kenya.

Speaking outside the Milimani Law Courts after the digital strategist Dennis Itumbi, the legislator stated that they would push for justice while directing his remarks at Interior PS, Karanja Kibicho.

"After Itumbi, we will fight for Miguna Miguna to came back home, we are not scared of you (Kibicho) and we have no apologies for being team 'TangaTanga'," he stated.

His remarks left many wondering whether the deported lawyer would accept help from the political faction he vehemently opposed.

Hours later, Miguna Miguna, through his social media responded to the statement noting that the MP, just like any other Kenyan, had the right to defend the constitution

"All Kenyans including Oscar Sudi have absolute rights and duties to defend the Constitution, fight against those subverting the Constitution and protect democracy and rule of law.

"They don't need my permission to do so. And it doesn't matter that they supported despots yesterday," he tweeted.

Miguna has maintained that his deportation was illegal as the courts had issued orders preventing the government from expelling him from the country.

"As Justices Odunga and Mwita have stated, court orders are not suggestions that anyone may choose to ignore or obey. No matter how powerful one might be, no one is above the law.

"We shall continue fighting for our rights and freedoms no matter the consequences," he conveyed on Wednesday.


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