TSC Promotes 16,000 Teachers

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia during an address in 2020.
TSC CEO Nancy Macharia during an address in 2020.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced the promotion of 16,152 teachers after conducting interviews for those who had applied for the positions.

In a statement on Friday, May 7, the TSC CEO Nancy Macharia stated that the interviews conducted in December 2020 and February 2021 were part of the final phase of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) that had been implemented since July 2017.

"The Commission takes this opportunity to congratulate those who were successful and encourages those who were not successful to apply when vacancies are advertised," the commission stated.

The Commission added that it would communicate to all teachers who were interviewed through the existing official communication channels.

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) offices
Teachers Service Commission (TSC) offices

"Letters on the outcome of the interviews are in the process of being sent to all teachers who were interviewed," TSC CEO.

Macharia further cautioned teachers against falling for fraudsters purporting to have the ability to influence the outcome of the interviews. 

Among the positions filled were deputy principals, deputy headteachers, senior lecturers, curriculum support officers, headteachers, and senior masters.

TSC had earlier changed the process through which teachers apply for promotions by indicating that it would only conduct the process through the online platform.

The Commission disclosed that there would be no manual applications for the recruitment and promotion of teachers effective March 1.

The platform targetted all teachers employed by the Commission and those undergoing internship programmes.

Further, the commission has introduced an e-platform for official emails, virtual meetings, and remote learning.

Through the online channel, institutions could hold virtual meetings with teachers being able to create peer groups to carry out learning activities including mentoring and coaching.

Teachers at the Ministry of Education's CBC training in 2020