Man Shelves Gubernatorial Aspirations After Raising Millions From Friends

Migori County Secretary Christopher Rusana
Migori County Secretary Christopher Rusana

Friends and family of Migori County Secretary, Christopher Rusana, came together and raised millions of shillings for the gubernatorial hopeful who has since shelved his dreams.

Reports revealed that despite receiving millions in donations during a fundraiser, the Migori County Secretary has dropped his gubernatorial bid.

When asked why he decided to quit the race, Rusana stated that he had made the personal decision but was open to consultations on political issues.

Migori County Secretary Christopher Rusana and Governor Okoth Obado during an event in the county.
Migori County Secretary Christopher Rusana and Governor Okoth Obado during an event in the county.
The Standard

“I am still a politician and will still actively participate in ensuring the county does not slip into bad leadership,” Rusana stated.

He added that he will not be returning the millions of shillings he received as donations since no one has asked for their contribution.

“As for the campaign funds, no one has come out to seek reimbursement and I feel the matter should not be blown out of context. I have used the funds in driving my previous campaigns," he stated.

Notably, Rusana did not resign during the February 9 deadline when civil servants seeking elective positions were directed to vacate office.

“It was difficult to accept the decision to drop my bid which came after consulting stakeholders both in Migori and nationally. It was a personal decision which was hard to share with my supporters,” the Migori County Secretary was quoted by the Nation.

However, the Migori County Secretary signed a three-year contract to work in the same capacity according to a report by the media house.

The County Secretary is among the lucky few whose political ambitions were supported by residents and friends. That was not the case for a Nyeri-based journalist vying for a Member of County Assembly (MCA) seat and who held a fundraiser to boost his political bid only to raise Ksh500.

The journalist had invited 50 people to the fundraiser but only three showed up. He had hoped to raise at least Ksh200,000 to boost his campaign but only one of the attendees gave him the Ksh500.

The journalist went on to lament that even the master of ceremony did not turn up for the event and neither did he bother to explain his absence.

File Photo of Microphone in a radio station set up
File Photo of Microphone in a radio station set up

“Prior to the fundraiser date, I had sent reminder messages to my friends and they promised that we were together. This prompted me to arrive early at the venue to ensure everything was in order. The first person arrived some minutes to 6pm whereas two others arrived at 7:30pm when I had lost hope that they would join in.

“He is a person well known to me and that is why I had selected him to be the master of the ceremony but he did not turn up and I have not seen him a week later,” he stated.

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