How Closing Your Car Windows Helps Save on Fuel

A photo of a petrol attendant fueling a car on February 2020.

Did you know that you could save close to 20 per cent of your fuel cost by closing car windows at high speed? Well, this is a trick you should master with current inflation. But how does it work?

Car experts hold that driving at high speed with the windows open lowers fuel consumption. Motorists driving at high speed with open windows increase the wind resistance compared to when the air conditioner is on.

If as a motorist you are driving at high speeds, most of the fuel is used to counter wind resistance. In addition to this, rolling the windows down only increases the strain on the engine.

An image of a motorist refilling a vehicle's engine oil.
An image of a motorist refilling a vehicle's engine oil.
Toyota Energies

When driving at low speeds, the windows can be opened and the AC should be off but when speeding on the highway, close the windows and if necessary turn the AC on.

The tough economic times in the country have seen inflation rise to 7.9 per cent according to reports from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS). Fuel prices have also shot through the roof.

Besides closing the windows high, Kenyans can also adopt other tips to save on money and fuel.  As a motorist, ensure that the tires of your vehicle are pumped and all times.

"Tire pressure affects gas mileage. That is because tires that are not properly inflated will have more rolling resistance compared to when they are properly inflated," car experts at General Automotive explained.

Under-deflated tires increase the friction with the road and thus use more fuel. Combining open windows and under-deflated tires while driving will have you digging deeper into your pockets.

According to General Automotive, removing any dead weight in your vehicle will make it lighter and therefore require less gas to move.  

When traveling, it is common to overload the vehicle with luggage and equipment. However, every 50kg can increase fuel consumption. It is, therefore, advisable t carry the essentials and offload any unnecessary heavy luggage from the vehicle.

According to car experts, stop-start traffic puts a lot of pressure on the engine and burns a lot of fuel. Therefore, you should plan your car trips ahead of time. This will reduce the number of stops you will make.

Additionally, proper maintenance and regular servicing of your vehicle can contribute to the efficiency level of the car and thus save on fuel used. 

 Also, ensure that you’re changing your vehicle’s oil on time, replacing filters, and having your vehicle serviced regularly by a trusted mechanic.

A file image of travellers during a road trip in Samburu County
A file image of travellers during a road trip in Samburu County
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