Why MPs Want Mama Lucy Hospital Shut Down

Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital
Front entrance of Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital located in Nairobi County.
Nairobi City Government

The Senate Health Committee led by Uasin Gishu Senator Jackson Mandago, on Tuesday, November 1, listened to vivid witness accounts and harrowing tales of how they lost their kin and loved ones in alleged negligence at Mama Lucy Hospital.

The moving narrations that ranged from patients lying on the floor unattended for hours to nurses intentionally ignoring and neglecting patient pleas in the emergency section ignited a need for a quick change in the hospital's operations. 

“I am deeply embarrassed to continue hearing such cases. Facilities meant to enhance people’s lives have now turned into death chambers,” Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna stated. 

In one of the cases, a devasted mother broke down as she narrated how a stranger informed her that her deceased son was brought to the hospital and would not be treated if a relative was not around.

Robert Omondi (in a t-shirt) appearing before the Senate Committee on Health on Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Robert Omondi (in a t-shirt) appearing before the Senate Committee on Health on Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Citizen Digital

The qualifications and level of professionalism of the attending staff at the hospital have also been questioned, with senators advocating for every individual responsible, to be held accountable for their actions.

A young man also recounted the last moments with his wife, whom he lost in September 2022 after she delivered twins but bled to death due to negligence.

“No one should lose their life while giving another life. We are here to ensure such occurrences don’t happen again,” Senator Mandago said.

The shocking discoveries have now prompted resolute action and filing of timely recommendations by the lawmakers that would include temporary closure of the level-5 facility for implementing proper working systems and procedures.

“These are lives that would have been saved. We must crack the whip and do whatever must be done, even if it means closing the hospital.

"We have an opportunity to put things right at the hospital to send a warning to other health facilities about the dignity of human life,” Kitui Senator Enock Wambua stated. 

Before compiling a report, the committee promised to intensify investigations into the negligence claims by reviewing CCTV footage and additional witness accounts, including medical personnel from other hospitals.

Nairobi County officials will also be invited to divulge information on the operation of the accused hospital and answers to why doctors referred a patient to a Kiambu hospital instead of the main referral facility, Kenyatta National Hospital.

Governor Johnson Sakaja at Mama Lucy Hospital on Sunday September 11, 2022.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja at Mama Lucy Hospital on Sunday, September 11, 2022.
Johnson Sakaja


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