Google Launches Interview Warmup for Job Seekers, Trains You on Answering Questions 

An image of Google offices in the US.
An image of Google offices in the US.

Google has launched a warmup tool aimed at helping job seekers prepare adequately for interviews.

In a statement dated Tuesday, November 8, the tech giant indicated that the platform would help thousands of young people land their dream job with the help of new features.

Through the platform, Kenyan job seekers will train themselves on answering interview questions before facing recruiting panels for screening.

Google indicated that the platform had a range of interview questions cutting across different fields.

File photo of Individuals Lining up For a Job Interview
Kenyans queue for job interviews in the past

"Individuals preparing for interviews can simply start practising with a simple click on the homepage, choose the kind of job they are interviewing for,  and then do a practice interview that consists of five randomly selected questions or individual interview questions," read the statement in part.

Additionally, users of the platform will access different terms used in their professional field to boost their performance during actual interviews.

"Users will also be able to see insights: patterns detected by machine learning that can help them discover things about their answers. 

"These include job-related terms, words used most often and talking points that are mentioned in each answer, so users can see how much time they spend talking about areas like their experience, skills and goals," read the statement in part.

On his part, the head of brand and reputation at Google Africa, Mojolaoluwa Aderemi-Makinde indicated the global search engine was seeking to leverage on technology to help Africans be better prepared for the critical process before employment.

“We are excited about Interview Warmup because it shows how new technologies have the potential to help young people in Africa hone the skills needed to grow their careers," Aderemi-Makinde stated.

The tool can be accessed by visiting grow(dot)google(slash)interview-warmup on the latest versions of Chrome.

The platform can also be accessed on android as well as iOS devices.

An image of a computer used on the interview warmup platform.
An image of a computer used on the interview warmup platform.