19-Year-Old Kenyan Spends Ksh50 Million in 15 Days on Horse Race Abroad

Muthoni Horse Race
Show jumper Muthoni Kimani(Left) and Cabinet secretary for Sports Ababu Namwamba(Right)
Voices of Bungoma

Muthoni Kimani, an award-winning Kenyan show jumper first developed interest in horse riding when she was 4 years old.

It was not long before her mother bought her first horse to begin training professionally. 

At seven, Muthoni was already enrolled in a horse riding academy in Karen where when her dream of racing in the Olympics began. 

However, because the sport is not well explored in Kenya and Africa, Muthoni stated that her family had to make sacrifices including selling property to finance her education and race. 

Muthoni Kimani
Show Jumper Muthoni Kimani and her horses.

In a past interview with Hot 96, the 19-year-old and her mother revealed that they spent Ksh50 million in half a month in expenses for the preparation of an upcoming race. 

“We have not yet done the big competitions where the registration fee alone is Ksh1.7 million. However, when you win one of the top classes you win Ksh256 million. 

“It is big money but it brings in big money too and that is why the government should support the sport,” Muthoni’s mother stated. 

Muthoni added that her mother had to quit her job as a hairdresser to support her dream adding that she travels with her in European countries to secure racing spots in different competitions. 

However, Muthoni had since secured an admission into an exclusive jumping school in Italy known as the Cavalleria Toscana Academy making her the first African woman to join the prestigious institution. 

Because of how expensive horses are, Muthoni noted that she only has one horse at the academy though others have up to four or five.

“She started with a Ksh500,000 horse when she was seven but we later had to get her another one when she progressed.

“Buying them is very expensive but maintenance is even more expensive and we had to sell property to be abe to support her,” her mother added. 

Muthoni recounted surviving two life-threatening accidents while training. One when she was 8 years old and another when she was 15, which caused her to doubt her abilities in the sport.

She won the FEI against all odds award in 2022, a coveted international award among horse riders. 

The 19-year-old stated that she had met with the Cabinet Secretary for Sports Ababu Namwamba who had assured her that the government would support her.

Muthoni Kimani
Muthoni Kimani poses after winning the FEI against all odds awards in 2022.
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