Kenyan Woman With Ph.D. Among Scientists Honoured Globally

Dr Lisa-Maria Rebelo
A photo collage of Dr Lisa-Maria Rebelo who was recognised by Radiant Earth Foundation on Friday, March 10, 2023.
Website/Radiant Earth Foundation

Radiant Earth Foundation, a global organisation that promotes the application of machine learning for earth observation to meet sustainable development goals, on Friday, March 10, recognised a Kenyan female scientist for her exemplary contributions. 

Dr Lisa-Maria Rebelo is a remote-sensing specialist whose experience spans over 20 years in the areas of sustainable technological development. 

She is a daughter of a prominent Nairobi Advocate Aurelio Rebelo who serves as the Chairman of the Asian Foundation and the Institute for Development and Leadership in Africa ( IDEA).

"Her contributions include wetland inventory, assessment, and monitoring key performance indicators for agricultural water use and productivity, and integrating ICT-based tools and applications," Radiant Earth Foundation explained in a statement.

A doctor carries out a test in a laboratory
A doctor carries out a test in a laboratory.

The scientist was born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya, and holds a Ph.D. in remote sensing from University College London. 

Largely recognised for her technological developments, Lisa is currently the Lead Scientist of Digital Earth Africa which deals in Earth Observation (EO).

"She has also led the development of widely used water accounting tools. She is a key Global Mangrove Watch team member, which generates globally consistent mangrove maps using automated methods," Radiant Earth Foundation wrote on the website.  

At Digital Earth Africa, Lisa works with a team that seeks to ensure a data-free and accessible  African continent.

Radiant Earth Foundation recognised Lisa for her exemplary contribution to delivering decision-ready products to African users. 

She is passionate about leveraging technology to improve natural resource management, especially in ensuring that her research provides trusted input into policy.

After careful evaluation, Radiant Earth Foundation noted that Lisa was able to leverage on her expertise innovation and open mind to create First World solutions. 

Lisa is also the author of a number of publications on the CSIRO Data Access Portal, which is an open-access journal and made datasets.

A graphical illustration of the evolution of sim cards.
A graphical illustration of the evolution of sim cards.
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