Govt Reveals Cause of Mysterious Disease Outbreaks in Schools

The entrance of Mukumu Girls High School in Kakamega
The entrance of Mukumu Girls High School in Kakamega
Mukumu Girls High School

The Ministry of Health on Friday, April 14, revealed that the mysterious disease that led to the death of three students and a teacher at Mukumu Girls High School in Kakamega County was caused by the consumption of contaminated water.

In a statement by the Acting Director of Health Services Patrick Amoth, it was revealed that test results showed traces of bacteria -  Enterotoxigenic E. coli and Salmonella typhi.

The Ministry added that the bacteria caused symptoms like diarrhoea among others.

"We wish to inform the general public that this disease is likely to be a mixture of E. coli and Salmonella typhi which usually occurs if water sources are contaminated with these micro-organisms.

Dr Patrick Amoth speaking at the Ministry of Health headquarters
Ministry of Health Director-General Dr Patrick Amoth speaking at the Ministry of Health headquarters on June 4, 2020.
Photo: Ministry of Health

"The diseases have a high potential of person-to-person spread, especially in congregated settings where people live and eat in close proximity," read the statement in part.

It was also noted that further investigations would be done to ascertain the exact disease that caused the deaths of the four and the hospitalisation of hundreds of other students.

Consequently, the ministry cautioned locals and schools in the Western Region to exercise caution when handling water and food. Amoth issued four measures that schools and their environs should put in place to contain the further spread of the bacteria.

They included washing of hands with soap and running water, proper use of toilets, treatment of water and eating properly cooked food while still hot.

Further, the authority explained that the collected samples tested negative for diseases such as Ebola, Dengue Fever, and Rift Valley Fever (RVF).

"Laboratory investigations carried out on the grains and pulses for aflatoxin have turned negative for aflatoxicosis- a dangerous fungal infection from poorly stored cereal grains.

"The Ministry appeals to all members of the public to be vigilant and requests that anyone experiencing fever, abdominal pains/cramps, diarrhoea and vomiting should seek immediate treatment at the nearest health facility for assessment and prompt management," the statement read in part.

Following the outbreak of the disease in Mukumu Girls High School, three students and a teacher succumbed.

Butere Boys High School was also closed after 100 students were hospitalised with similar infections.

Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale (centre) tours the Sacred Heart High School Mukumu on Friday, March 31, 2023.
Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale (centre) tours the Sacred Heart High School Mukumu on Friday, March 31, 2023.
Boni Khalwale
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