Kiambu Residents Oppose Ndarugo Dam Citing Displacement

Sh 13b Dam in Jeopardy After Residents Plan to Sue Govt
The Karimenu II Dam in Gatundu North, Kiambu County
Athi Water Works

Residents of Gatundu North Constituency, Kiambu County on September 17, came together to raise funds, which will be channelled towards suing the government over the construction of the Ksh13 billion Ndarugo II dam. 

The residents have been opposing the dam construction since its inception saying it will displace them from their ancestral land and disrupt their economic activities.

In particular, the locals said pineapple, avocado, tea and coffee farming activities will stall if the government proceeds with the plan.

Ndarugo II dam is one of the 100 mega dam projects, President William Ruto's administration is seeking to complete in its ambitious plans to provide Kenyans with clean and sufficient water and ensure food security.

Gatundu Residents Plan to Sue Govt Over Sh 13B Dam
President William Ruto commissioning Thiba Dam in Kirinyaga County on October 15, 2022

Earlier, the residents had obtained court orders suspending the government’s Gazette Notice No 1644 dated February 10,2023 that sought to acquire land to construct the dam.

''The court is satisfied that the petitioners have disclosed a case to warrant a grant of interim orders and I proceed to grant the same in terms of prayer number three of the said application that is to say that an order be and is hereby issued suspending the implementation of gazette notice number 1644 dated February 10, 2023,'' Justice Kemei said in her ruling.

In her ruling, Justice Kemei clarified that despite previous assertions by correspondents suggesting the gazette notice's purpose was for a geographical survey, its actual intent was to acquire the 22 parcels of land.

''We believe there are other areas that are not much populated where the government can go and construct dams,'' said one of the locals.

The residents have therefore sent a notice to political leaders in the county, affirming that they will rally voters across the county to vote in leaders who have their interests at heart.

Additionally, the residents dared the government to a legal battle maintaining that they are not going to forfeit their land easily.

‘’It is not a sustainable development thing for Gatundu North. So, what we wanted to achieve for the day and we have achieved, at least we have mobilised little funds so that we can be able to bear legal fees and other things because at the end of the day, we have to be heard by the courts and the government has to hear us,’’ one resident said.

Sh 13b Dam in Jeopardy After Residents Plan to Sue Govt
KarimenuII Dam in Gatundu North, Kiambu under construction
Athi Water Works