NTV Apologises to Senate Clerk Over Senator Orwoba's Allegations

 NTV prime time bulletin image
NTV prime time bulletin image

NTV, a subsidiary of the Nation Media Group (NMG) apologized to the clerk of the senate, Jeremiah Nyegenye, on Monday night for linking him to false claims made by embattled nominated senator Gloria Orwoba.

In an apology read by NTV news anchor Smriti Vidyarthi, the local media outlet flagged its previous news broadcast aired on September 29, which failed to clarify that the Senate Powers and Privileges Committee faulted Orwoba for alleging that the clerk of the Senate sexually harassed her. 

The disciplinary committee, chaired by Speaker Amason Kingi, later suspended Orwoba in a unanimous decision after she failed to appear before it to substantiate her claims.  

"She (Gloria Orwoba) had made allegations against the clerk of the senate, Mr. Jeremiah Nyegenye, without clarifying that the senate committee had actually examined the allegations and found them to have been unsubstantiated and furthermore the senate agreed with the committee in the said report leading to the suspension of senator Orwoba from the house."

Gloria Orwoba
Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba addressing the media after being kicked out of the Senate on June 3, 2023.
Gloria Orwoba

“We sincerely and reservedly apologize to the clerk of the senate Mr Jeremiah Nyegenye, his family, friends, colleagues, and associates for any embarrassment and anguish the broadcast might have occasioned him,” NTV announced.

In the controversial and flagged 9 pm bulletin, NTV also claimed that the court had issued an injunction against the suspension of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) senator, further alleging that the court handed her the right to seek legal redress. 

“In the course of our 9 pm broadcast on 29th of Sep 2023, we reported details of court proceedings to the effect that the High Court in Machakos had issued an injunction against the suspension of nominated senator Gloria Orwoba and had allowed her to sue the Speaker of Senate, Clerk and Powers, and Privileges Committee,” the media house clarified.

Senator Gloria Orwoba was on September 20 suspended from Parliament by the senate committee, which emphasized the gravity of the charges leveled against her.

The Powers and Privileges Committee recommended that Orwoba be suspended from the House for the remainder of the second session of the 13th Parliament.

The committee also recommended that the Senator be denied special perks and access to the precincts of Parliament. Orwoba's colleagues faulted her for failing to appear before the committee to defend herself against charges. 

Among the special perks Orwoba may miss out on include being barred from local and foreign travel, which incentivizes lawmakers with allowances. 

Senators had initially demanded a formal apology before allowing her to resume her duties in Parliament in February 2024. 

"On resumption of Senate sitting for the Third Session (February 2024), the Senator, while at the bar apologizes to the Senate, Honorable Senators, the clerk of the Senate, and the Secretariat of Parliament before being admitted to the Senate," the committee stated in its recommendation.

A photo of the Senate entrance
Parliament of Kenya
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