Reverend Mary Miriti Transitioned From a Teacher to US Army Major

Major Mary Miriti
Major Mary Miriti before her deployed to Iran.
Photo Dallas Morning News

A Kenyan lady has defied all odds to become a United States (US) army major at the age of 53 years. 

Reverend Mary Miriti, who previously worked as a teacher in Kenya before relocating to America, narrated how she underwent tough training to join the army.

Speaking during an interview on Daring Abroad, Mary stated that passing a PT test at the age of 53 to qualify as a Major was not an easy thing to do.

The former teacher started her military journey at the age of 48, after becoming a Chaplin in 2011.

Major Mary Miriti
Major Mary Miriti in US Army Military uniform.
Photo Mary Miriti

Mary was first commissioned in the US Army in 2011 as a second lieutenant and as a chaplain and was later promoted to captain in 2015. 

“In 2021 while I was deployed to Iran, I was promoted to a major.” 

“I underwent three months of training, which I didn’t know applied for chaplains as well,” she added. 

Mary’s work in the army includes preaching to and counselling officers going through tough periods, such as depression and trauma from the effects of the war.

The former teacher, who is also passionate about spreading the gospel, founded the Oasis Global Mission Church in Dallas to serve African immigrants experiencing racism.

“I did a candidacy process which took 10 years, I was trained and given a mentor who guided me.”

“In 2010 I was commissioned and graduated in 2011 from the Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist after which I was given my first assignment as an associate minister,” she narrated. 

She further noted that creating a sense of inclusivity and belonging for fellow Christians gave her a sense of fulfilment.

“I was passionate because I wanted to honour a clergy member from my church who was ministering to people from the Second World War,” Mary stated.

Members of the US Army walking at an airport.
Members of the US Army walking at an airport.