CORD MPs March to Milimani Law Courts to Block Special Sitting on Electoral Laws

CORD MPs on Thursday took to the streets to demonstrate against the Parliamentary special sitting seeking to make amendments to the Election Laws.

The legislators stormed out of the session and marched to the Milimani Law Courts block the proceedings which the Jubilee lawmakers continued with.

According to reports, CORD leader Raila Odinga and his co-Principal Kalonzo Musyoka were already at the court waiting for an order to bar the sitting and also seek annulment of the amendments passed by Jubilee.

The Opposition leaders termed the Special Sitting as illegal and also claimed that they had been assaulted by General Service Unit officers deployed at the Assembly.

Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula highlighted that National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi was escorted by about 50 armed policemen into the chambers.

According to Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo, some Jubilee MPs had carried their firearms into the Chambers.

Meanwhile, MPs who were left in the chambers have approved the amendment that allows a manual back-up in voting, transmission and tallying of election results.

Here is a video of CORD MPs marching to court:


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