Nairobians May Soon Be Forced to Burn Their Dead

The Nairobi County Government increased the cost of burying the dead and lowered that of cremation.

Burial cost for an adult has increased from the initial Sh25, 000 to Sh30,500 while that of a child has increased from Sh15,000 to Sh22,000.

City residents reacted to the bill urging the Government to revise the charges of the controversial clause because of the high cost.

On the other hand cremation charges have been reduced significantly from Sh13,000 to Sh9,000 for adults while Sh6,000 and Sh4,000 for children and infants respectively.

The increase in burial charges is expected by the County Government to drive people into considering cremation for their dead instead of burying them, thus saving on land space in City cemeteries.

The City Government is yet to find open land to build new cemeteries outside Nairobi city.

The Population Growth rate in the City has been consistent over the years due to rural-urban migration and the search for employment opportunities in the Metropolis, hence fill up of City's burial grounds.

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