NASA Leaders to Campaign in Backyards After ODM National Delegates Convention

The National Super Alliance (NASA) pentagon leaders will retreat to their different backyards after the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) convention to be held today.

The chiefs will be seeking to restore confidence in the coalition after chaotic party primaries and the resignation of various top leaders from the affiliated parties.

Reports indicate that the leaders will also be seeking to reassure supporters from Ukambani and the Western region that the coalition's presidential line-up will work in their favour.

ODM party leader and presidential candidate Raila Odinga is expected to lead the charge on a grand tour that will see him traverse his Nyanza home turf.

Chama Cha Mashinani (CCM) party leader Isaac Ruto will continue his ongoing tour of the Rift Valley region where he has been selling the NASA manifesto.

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Ford Kenya's Moses Wetangula will also stage campaign rallies in Ukambani and Luhyaland respectively. 

The leaders, however, are all expected to attend the ODM convention that will be held at the Moi International Sports Centre - Kasarani gymnasium. 

Read More: Raila to be Unveiled in an International Event

The strategy was ratified during a meeting held between the principals and their close aides yesterday.