ODM's Orange House Office Burnt in Kajiado

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) on Saturday night suffered huge losses after it's Kajiado offices burnt in unclear circumstances.

The cause of the huge fire is still unknown but different sources claimed that it was started by irate youth. 

No casualties have been reported so far.

ODM Executive Director Odour Ong'wen condemned the act at Kajiado stating that it was unacceptable.


I, on behalf of the ODM fraternity, condemn unreservedly the burning of our Party office in Kajiado.

— Oduor Ong'wen (@ongwen) July 1, 2017


Mr Ong'wen accused Jubilee of involved in the incident: "Desperation by @JubileePartyK that's increasingly resorting to thuggery and violence".

Kajiado ODM Office burning:

"Desperation by @JubileePartyK that's increasingly resorting to thuggery and violence".

Unacceptable. @ongwen pic.twitter.com/7kG8mEWKfc

— The ODM Party (@TheODMparty) July 1, 2017

Here are some photos;

 [caption caption="Kajiado ODM office burning"][/caption]

[caption caption="ODM offices burning"][/caption]










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