JKIA Issues New Directive To Passengers On Day Of Uhuru's Inauguration

The Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) on Tuesday issued a new directive to passengers planning to travel via the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) during President Uhuru Kenyatta's inauguration.

Passengers have been advised by the KAA to arrive at the airport four hours before their departure time.

This is due to the expected disruptions from VIP guests arriving for Mr Kenyatta's swearing in for his second term as the head of state.

Through its Twitter account, the KAA, however, noted that the airport is fully functional.

[caption caption="Passengers at Moi International Airport Mombasa"][/caption]

"Airport users will be allowed to access JKIA through Mombasa Rd. Traffic will be interrupted from time to time due to VVIP movement; we, therefore, advise passengers to plan to be at the airport at least 4hrs before departure," the statement read.

Major roads including Mombasa road, Thika road, Uhuru Highway and Museum Hill will be closed for some time during the day.

These roads will have limited access to allow several heads of state and dignitaries quick access to the Moi International Stadium, Kasarani for the ceremony.

The KAA has also issued another advisory asking passengers to plan their flights earlier due to the anticipated high traffic in the city.

Meanwhile, Presidents Salva Kiir (South Sudan), Ian Khama (Botswana), Edgar Lungu (Zambia) have arrived for the inauguration.

[caption caption="JKIA Terminal"][/caption]