Bunge La Mwananchi Inaugurates 'People's President'

The Bunge la Mwananchi on Saturday beat the National Super Alliance (NASA) to the "People's President'' title after it inaugurated Henry Shikanda as President.

The ceremony was conducted at Jevanjee Gardens in Nairobi and was attended by the group's supporters who accused NASA of attempting to steal their idea.

Mr Shikanda was sworn in together with his cabinet members in the ceremony overseen by a commissioner of oaths.

[caption caption="File image of a Bunge la Mwananchi session"][/caption]

Speaking after being inaugurated, Shikanda noted that the 'People's President' had finally been inaugurated adding that the title was now reserved for Bunge la Mwananchi only.

‘There will be no other “people’s president”. There will always be one and that is president of Bunge La Wananchi. We are not affiliated to either Jubilee or Nasa, but we champion the interest of all Kenya’s,” Shikanda stated.

He, however, explained that his presidency was specifically restricted to the group adding that the association was law-abiding and that all its activities were in strict adherence to the Constitution of Kenya.

The event was peaceful and a group of police officers watched from a distance as the ceremony proceeded.

Meanwhile, the Opposition has also been planning to inaugurate its Leader Raila Odinga as the 'People's President" and even set up people's assemblies in a number of counties to spearhead its agenda.

Mr Odinga's inauguration had been scheduled for December 12, 2017, but was postponed to create room for dialogue.

Speaking on Saturday during a funeral in Vihiga Mr Odinga promised his supporters that his inauguration was still in course.

"Our steering committee will tomorrow release timetable for the swearing in. I am ready to die if that is what will bring electoral justice," Odinga stated.

[caption caption="File image of Opposition Leader Raila Odinga"][/caption]





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