Governor Kiraitu Supports Raila’s Call For Exams To Be Re-Marked

Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi supported opposition leader Raila Odinga’s call to have the 2017 KCSE exams be marked again.

The leaders questioned the credibility of this year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examination results.

Mr Murungi stated that he was shocked by the mass failure of students, citing his county, which he noted did not perform well compared to the recent past.

Speaking at Nkubu, Imenti South, while meeting the top student nationally, Naomi Kawira, the county boss remarked that national schools in the region failed to make it to the top 100 schools nationally.

[caption caption="Students sitting for their KCSE exams"][/caption]

St Mary’s Igoji was the only top school in the county at position 93 nationally.

“We’re surprised we’ve not performed to our expectations. Our top schools like Meru School are not among the top 100 schools," Governor Kiraitu stated

"It’s only St Mary’s Igoji that was position 93 and top in the county. We believe Meru deserves better so I support those calling for the exams to be re-marked,” he added.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga called for talks towards changing "the worrying trend of KCSE candidates failing to meet university entry grade".

"As a society, we must listen to the cries of the candidates, the parents and teachers' unions on this matter and have a serious conversation about this worrying trend," he noted in a statement on Thursday.

[caption caption="NASA Leader Raila Odinga"][/caption]

This was after only 70,073 candidates obtained university entry mean grade of C+, with 142 candidates getting As.