President Uhuru Kenyatta Awarded Most Democratic in Africa

President Uhuru Kenyatta has been awarded the top democratic award by the Paris based Mandela Institute.

He was crowned the prize for reflecting a true spirit of democracy when he accepted the Supreme Court decision that nullified his August Presidential win.

Tanzanian President, John Magufuli, on the other hand, emerged the overall winner of the Mandela Peace Prize 2017.

His award was attributed to his massive contribution to the promotion of peace and social equality in Tanzania.

Mr Magufuli beat 4,995 other applicants to get the annual crown from King Mohammed VI of Morocco who emerged the winner in 2016.

The Institute which is chaired by Dr Paul Kananura also acknowledged the Supreme Court of Kenya for being the first in Africa to annul a presidential election.

The institute indicated that this historic move positioned Kenya as an icon of democracy.

Zimbabwe's military was also recognized for overseeing a bloodless and smooth transition ending the reign of Robert Mugabe.

The Mandela Prizes are awarded to personalities or institutions for their commendable actions in favor of Africa and Peace, in the spirit of Pan Africanism.

[caption caption="Director Mandela Institute Paul Kananura"][/caption]