Githeriman Speaks on Being Appointed to NACADA

Martin Kamotho alias Githeri man on Friday broke the silence on reports doing rounds on social media that he had been appointed to the NACADA board.

Speaking to, David Mugo, Mr Kamotho's Communications Director, refuted the claims of his appointment to the board.

Mr Mugo admitted that he had received similar claims but they were yet to be officially informed about such an appointment.

"We have not received any official communication on that appointment," stated Mugo.

He also noted that they, like many Kenyans, are awaiting communication from the parastatal if the reports are true.

[caption caption="Githeriman during past national event"][/caption] could, however, not get any communication from the NACADA office since officials responsible for divulging such information were unavailable for comment.

Mr Kamotho was during last year's Jamhuri day honored by President Kenyatta with the Head of State Commendation, a move that was trolled by Kenyans on social media.

He was also invited to the President's inauguration ceremony on November 28 after the Supreme Court upheld Mr Kenyatta's win after the October 16 re-election.

His fortune turned during the August 8 elections when he went to vote carrying githeri in a clear plastic bag.

[caption caption="Githeriman being awarded by The Nairobian"][/caption]

A single photo of him stirred the social media users earning him a position of the most popular person of 2017.