Wiper's New Demand to NASA After Raila's Swearing-in

Wiper Deputy Secretary-General, Peter Mathuki, on Monday demanded that his party leader Kalonzo Musyoka should be sworn in as the deputy people's President.

Mathuki affirmed that Wiper was firmly behind NASA leader Raila Odinga who took his oath as the "people's President" on Tuesday last week.

The party is set to convene a meeting today (Tuesday) for the first time since the swearing-in of Odinga and the 2022 race to State House is said to be top of the agenda.

“Of course we know that Kalonzo will be sworn in (as the people’s deputy president after Mr Odinga). But what we really look forward to is for him to be sworn in as the President of Kenya in 2022,” he remarked.

During last week's event, the party's leader failed to show up although he later gave reasons as to why he missed the event.

[caption caption="Kalonzo Musyoka and NASA leader Raila Odinga"][/caption]

Mathuki stated that the 'swearing-in' was 'diversionary and would not take much of their time during the meeting.

“This thing (swearing-in) is diversionary. It should not take a lot of our time. As a party, we must remain focused on 2022.

"These other issues become diversionary. People want to make it diversionary for us to lose focus. We cannot,” he was quoted by the Nation.

Over the weekend, Uriri Member of Parliament Mark Nyamita told Mr Musyoka that he must be sworn in if he wants to be accepted by NASA supporters.

At a rally in Baba Dogo, the legislator declared that Kalonzo must follow in the footsteps of Odinga who was sworn in on January 30.

Nyamita maintained that they would refrain from holding talks with Kalonzo, Moses Wetangula and Musalia Mudavadi unless they take the oath.

The lawmaker further maintained that Kalonzo ought to be sworn in for him to be given the opportunity to address NASA supporters and legislators.

[caption caption="NASA Co-Principals Musalia Mudavadi, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula"][/caption]

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