Kibaki's Grandson Appears for Interview and Kenyans Feel Disappointed

Former President Mwai Kibaki's grandson, Sean Andrew, on Thursday was invited for an interview to speak on how models were being exploited in the entertainment industry.

Sean, who is a model and social media influencer, was invited to speak on the subject on Capital FM's Hits Not Homework show alongside Manager African Castro, a move that did not augur well with Kenyans online.

According to netizens, the radio station should have invited Miss World Kenya Machakos County 2016, Sheila Kanini, who initiated the hashtag #PayModelsKe that encouraged models to speak out against exploitation in the guise of exposure.

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One user wrote: "You should know better than to interview people that have barely experienced the hardships. @sheila_kanini came out with this and she should be the one being interviewed. You should know better Capital, you really should. I am so disappointed."

"Hehe. Capital went for a kid who doesn't even understand modeling. Interview the ladies who started the hashtag," another wrote.

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For his part, Sean stated: "It's very unfair what's going on in the local modeling industry, just who is the exposure for when you don't even credit us for your campaign? Of course, we're not happy especially considering we are to make our own way. Guys need to style up."

Following the backlash on Twitter, the show invited Ms Kanini to the show. However, Kenyans did not let up on the radio station sensing it was just for their own gain.

"Hi @AmalMAbdul @sheila_kanini we would love to have you on the show to share your experiences #Paymodelske. Kindly DM your contact details to facilitate this," they wrote.

To this, one user responded: "Yaani you had to be called out to include the two ladies?? You should have contacted them as soon as u decided #PayModelsKE was your discussion topic tonight. #DoBetter."

Some of the reactions: