Busia Governor Ojaamong Reveals How Uhuru-Museveni Deal is Hurting Kenyans

Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong has revealed how President Uhuru Kenyatta's deal with his Uganda's counterpart Yoweri Museveni is hurting his residents. 

Speaking on the border post launched by the two heads of state in February, the County boss noted that it has since "piled pressure on their economies."

Together with Kisii Governor James Ongwae, Ojaamong expressed that they are particularly unhappy with the treaties that have allowed foreigners access to services in Kenya. 

[caption caption="File image of Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong"][/caption]

The duo further cited that the East African Community (EAC) treaties additionally strain the health sectors of the counties as foreigners, especially Ugandans flocked in to seek medical treatment.

"There's an influx of patients from Uganda seeking treatment in our hospitals at the expense of locals. 

"We do not have extra money in our budget to cater for the foreigners," asserted Ojaamong.

The governors accused the national government of entering the agreements without consulting them, yet these deals directly affect their economies. 

"The heads of state are implementing treaties without our input. Western region countries are affected by the extra burden of having to take care of foreigners," exclaimed Ojaamong.

Mr Ongwae added that some of the treaties signed by the Head of State have affected business in the border counties. 

"We cannot turn away people from other counties or countries seeking services, including health, even though this is having serious effects on us," expressed Mr Ongwae. 

[caption caption="File image of Kisii Governor James Ongwae"][/caption]