Senator Kipchumba Murkomen Clashes with Cherangany MP Joshua Kutuny

Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen on Tuesday clashed with Cherangany Member of Parliament and President Uhuru Kenyatta's former advisor Joshua Kutuny.

This is after Kutuny issued a lengthy statement castigating Murkomen over his recent remarks during a  previous TV interview.

"As an ardent supporter of Jubilee, the President and DP William Ruto, I must say that I am dismayed by a statement attributed to Murkomen touching on the Presidency and Jubilee Party," Kutuny stated.

[caption caption="Cherangany Member of Parliament Joshua Kutuny"][/caption]

The MP noted that Murkomen's statement admitting to possible wrangles within Jubilee appeared to be a lone voice as Uhuru, the DP, and Majority Leader Aden Duale were of a contrary opinion.

On this note, Kutuny went ahead and challenged the Elgeyo Marakwet MP to substantiate his allegations if he was not the one actually rocking the party.

Terming Murkomen's allegations as "serious, demeaning, unfortunate, reckless and deliberately aimed at injuring Uhuru's reputation", Kutuny asked Murkomen to come forward and name the cartels twisting Uhuru's arms. 

"Understandably, Murkomen is making the allegations supposedly to defend and champion the course of the Deputy President. 

I would like to point out that DP is a brand in himself. He does not need some reckless and egoistic politicians to market him," the MP threw a jibe. 

Kutuny further indicated that by speaking, Murkomen risked spoiling thousands of votes for the DP terming the senator as a "liability to the Deputy President." 

The Cherangany MP concluded by asserting that the talk was an attempt to plant seeds of discord within the party ranks while maintaining that Jubilee is in harmony and contrary allegations should be dismissed.

[caption caption="Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen"][/caption]

Responding to the statement, Murkomen took to twitter stating: "Please ignore Kutuny’s statement until the faces behind the statement speak. They are the people I talked about."