David Mwai, Suspect in Idriss Mukhtar’s Attempted Murder Case Commits Suicide in Custody

David Mwai, a prime suspect in ex-Garissa County CEC Idriss Mukhtar’s attempted murder case was on Thursday confirmed to have committed suicide at Parklands Police station.

The reports emerged on Thursday evening a few hours after local dailies indicated that one of the suspects in custody was giving sleuths critical details to aid investigations into the matter.

As at Wednesday, the suspects in custody included the gunman at the center of the case, one of Garissa governor Ali Korane's bodyguards and a soldier said to be a county security adviser. 

The mentioned gunman was captured in a chilling 34-minute CCTV footage exposing him shooting the former Garissa county official as he reversed out of a compound in Kileleshwa.

The footage is part of the crucial evidence investigators are relying on to put together a case that saw governor Korane arrested and grilled for several hours before being released on Wednesday.

Another  CCTV footage has details of an evident a cover-up for a car that trailed the ex-CEC.

Detectives seized the car at a city garage as it was being repainted ad a mechanic at the garage located in Ngara told the police that a Somali man had brought the grey car seeking to have it repainted red.

Police established that the number plate of the vehicle had been changed from KBQ to KCR.

The car is said to be registered in the name of a man who is believed to be the Garissa County security advisor, adding more intrigues to the case.

Police sources had earlier intimated to The Standard that the gunman had confessed that he was paid Sh1.8 million for the 'job'.

The former Garissa Finance CEC was shot on August 18 in Kileleshwa, Nairobi.


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