8 Biggest Indicators of Family Break Ups Ranked in Latest Report

A photo collage of a couple exchanging rings (left) and a bride signing a marriage certificate (right).
A photo collage of a couple exchanging rings (left) and a bride signing a marriage certificate (right) on Wednesday, May 1, 2019.
Photo/Weddo Magazine

The 2022 Study on Status Of The Family in Kenya, released on Thursday, May 4, highlighted eight different indicators of family breakups. 

The study, conducted in Kwale County, sought respondents' views on the eight factors. 

Failure by the men to take up family responsibility was mentioned as the key factor in family disintegration. 

Traditionally men were seen as providers, symbols of authority, decision making and protection for the family. A family could break if a man fails to shoulder the major responsibilities.

Exchanging Wedding Rings
A photo of a couple exchanging wedding rings.

Lack of Socialisation was also highlighted as a leading factor. The survey showed that parents tend to focus more on their careers at the expense of their children.

“The results indicate that parents have neglected their mentorship responsibility and are not giving proper life skills prompting children to get information from different sources,” read the report.

Lack of food was also listed as a cause of conflict. Hunger affects harmony, and how members live and support each other.  

Domestic violence and the death of parents were said to affect family stability leading to street families. 

Infertility is a visible social concern in the country, and infertile couples often experience social stigma. 

Lack of parental counselling and guidance. Parents can guide and advise the children, but if they fail in their role, children suffer. 

Drug abuse and mental health problems were also mentioned among the reasons families broke up.  

Unemployment in the country was also said to be affecting families negatively.

Land disputes break up families. This arises mainly after the head of the family dies without leaving a will. 

A wedding gown on sale
A wedding gown on sale
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