Meru MCA Resigns in Solidarity With Governor Kawira Mwangaza

Meru MCA Resigns to Exert Pressure on Ruto
A section of Meru town
Meru County

Kiagu MCA Simon Kiambi, from Meru County, has verbally tendered his resignation, citing his inability to fulfil the promises he made to the electorate over the constant bickering amongst leaders within the devolved unit. 

While addressing journalists on Monday, the MCA expressed his support for the idea of dissolving the Meru County Government, claiming that it is only right for the administration to be wound up and all elected leaders to seek a fresh mandate from the electorate.

The MCA, while making his announcement, stated that his continued stay in government is untenable under current circumstances, which saw Governor Kawira Mwangaza impeached twice, with the Senate coming to her aid in both instances. 

"From today, as Kiambi, I have appended my signature to dissolve the County Government of Meru as an elected MCA, and those who want to contest should get prepared," the MCA stated.

A collage of Kiagu MCA, Simon Kiambi on Tuesday, November 22, 2022
A collage of Kiagu MCA, Simon Kiambi on Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Daily Nation

"We want to revert power back to the electorate because we have not been able to work," the MCA added. 

The MCA further asked Governor Mwangaza to proceed and forward the dissolution petition to President William Ruto if push comes to shove.

"I have fired myself here, and I am not going back, and I want this petition to go forward until it reaches the President to dissolve the Meru County Government,'' Kiambi stated.

The Kiagu MCA, who has supported Governor Mwangaza throughout her tribulations, remarked it was unfair for Meru residents to continue bearing the brunt of wrangles among their elected leaders.

However, Kiambi did not clarify whether he would officially resign in writing in a letter addressed to the Speaker of the assembly as required by law. 

His sentiments come after a petition was launched in Meru County calling for the dissolution of the government, calls which Governor Mwangaza has supported.

On Monday, a group of Meru residents and civil society members launched a signature drive to wind up the government, citing the unending wrangles between the Governor and the MCAs, which they stated have hampered service delivery in a major way.

Meanwhile, amidst the adversity, Governor Mwangaza has remained defiant, even stating that she was ready to receive and forward the petition to President William Ruto.

For the petition to sail through, it must be endorsed by at least 10 per cent of the registered voters in the County as dictated under Section 123 of the County Governments Act.

Once this happens, the President receives the report and, within 14 days, submits a report on the averments made and grounds giving rise to the suspension of a County Government.

This report is then submitted to an inter-governmental body consisting of the President, Deputy President, and the Council of Governors.

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza appears before the Senate Select Committee during her impeachment motion.
Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza appears before the Senate Select Committee during her impeachment motion on December 27, 2022.