KCSE Exams Will Be Marked with Strictness - Matiang'i

Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i on Thursday assured that the strictness which had been applied in the supervision of national examinations would also be applied during the marking of the papers.

Speaking in Bungoma County, Matiang'i sought to assure parents and teachers that strict methods would be applied during the marking of exams to ensure students get credible results.

"We will use the strictest methods to conduct the marking of exams and this will bring confidence to our new system of managing exams," the CS affirmed.

Matiang'i warned that teachers who will dare engage in any irregularity would face dire consequences.

"I am warning those who will be involved in the marking not to drop the ball on the exercise. We will not let the sacrifice made to go to waste," Matiang'i was quoted by the Nation.

The Education CS encouraged teachers to inculcate in students the value of hard work as means of curbing cheating in the country.

"We should encourage our children to work hard. We should not let them value grades that they have not worked for. It is no longer business as usual in handling exams in Kenya," Matiang'i stated.

Matiang'i was in Bungoma to monitor the distribution of papers in the morning and wanted to assure principals that the papers will be marked effectively.

On November 12, Kenyans.co.ke reported that the government had announced that KCPE pupils will get the results any day from December 8 while KCSE candidates would get their results on the second week of January.

Previously, the outcome of the KCPE exams was being announced in the final week of the year while KCSE candidates would receive their results on the first days of March.