Kenyan Police Teargased Foreigners - Taiwan

Taiwanese authorities have expressed disappointment in the manner the Kenyan police forced their nationals to be deported out of the country.

According to a report by Reuters, a Taiwanese official complained that the police used teargas to force 15 Taiwanese out of a police station before they were deported.

The officials further lamented that their nationals had been detained, yet they had already been acquitted of cyber crime charges by a Nairobi court following their arrest in 2014.

The authorities even claimed that police officers broke down a wall to a room where the Taiwanese were being held when they protested deportation.

“They refused to cooperate with the deportation so the police broke down the walls, using teargas, and then more than 10 police went in with assault rifles,” one of the officials was quoted.

Taiwan has expressed its dissatisfaction after Kenya shipped a group of its citizens to China even after the court set them free due to lack of evidence.

However, the Ministry of Interior defended the decision claiming that it just moved the group to the country of last departure.

"They came from China and we took them to China. Usually when you go to another country illegally, you are taken back to your last port of departure," clarified the Ministry's spokesman.

Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohammed stated that the country had not received an official complaint from Taiwan but had just read reports on the media.

“We don't have official relations with Taiwan. We haven't seen the official protest, we are actually hearing it from the media,” said Mohammed.

Read Also: Kenya Sparks Fight Between China and Taiwan











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