Senator Gideon Moi Predicts Jubilee's Defeat in 2017 Election

Baringo Senator Gideon Moi has predicted that the Jubilee coalition will be sent home in this year’s General election.

Moi stated that the wind of change started in Britain after the success of Brexit, adding that it spread to the United States after Donald Trump’s win, and later in Gambia where the long-serving incumbent was defeated in an election held late last year.

"The wind is now moving into Kenya," Moi predicted during the Teso Cultural Day at Kakemer Secondary School grounds in Teso North.

At the same time, the legislator expressed his opposition to the controversial election amendments law that were passed by the National Assembly and which the Senate is expected to deliberate on after resuming in January.

The KANU leader contrasted the position advanced by Jubilee politicians, arguing that elections should be conducted and transmitted through an electronic system.

"That is the format of transmitting election results that we want IEBC to adopt. That is the way to go and nothing short of that," Moi stated on Saturday.

He added that his party would reject attempts to introduce the manual backup, claiming it would allow Jubilee a chance to manipulate the results.

Preident Uhuru Kenyatta has, however, expressed optimism that Kenyans will re-elect him on the Jubilee ticket so that he can complete the development projects he started.