Teachers' Strike Continues as Judge Goes Missing

The appeal case filed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) was on Monday postponed since the presiding Judge Nelson Abuodha was unavailable.

The teachers' unions instructed the tutors to remain on strike until the court gave further direction on Thursday.

In the petition, TSC was seeking to oppose the 50-60 per cent pay increment awarded to teachers by the Employment and Labour Relations court.

Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) had gone to court on Monday before they could advise their members on the way forward.

During a ruling last week, the industrial court suspended the teachers' strike for 90 days urging the conflicting parties to hold conciliatory meetings so as to establish modalities of payment.

The Labour Court further ordered teachers to go back to work but the unions defied the ruling directing teachers to boycot duty until they instructed them otherwise.

Read Also: Remain on Strike, Teachers Ordered

KNUT's Secretary General Wilson Sossion stated that it would not hold meetings with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) unless it dropped the case they filed against teachers at the court of appeal.

Read Also: Drop Case Before We Talk, TSC Told