Was Aladwa Speaking On Behalf of Raila?

Opposition leader Raila Odinga defended Former Nairobi Mayor George Aladwa over incitement remarks he allegedly made on Tuesday in Kibra, Nairobi during the Mashujaa day celebrations.

“Jubilee leaders should stop blaming Aladwa for incitement. If someone comes and tells you not to steal as it may have consequences, he has done nothing wrong,” said Mr Odinga.

Jubilee MP's read more into his utterance and asked the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) leader to reveal whether Mr Aladwa was speaking on his behalf and “with his blessings.

The MP's led by Dagorreti South MP Dennis Waweru, condemned the statements by Mr Aladwa and called for urgent action to be taken.

“Divisive politics that only serve to enhance ethnic animosity and hatred is a recipe for disaster and has no place in modern Kenya,” said Waweru.

Speaking during a burial in Kilimambogo, Thika, Mr Odinga dismissed the allegations insisting that the remarks were taken out of context and were not provoking in any way.

Thika Town MP Alice Ng'ang'a further told the CORD principal that there was no shortcut to power that will prevail through bloodshed.

Mr Aladwa, the Nairobi ODM representative, was arrested on Friday at Nairobi Railway Club and taken to Kilimani Police Station for question after a video of him uttering statements that were "offensive", went viral, prompting action from the Director of Public Prosecution.

Read Also: George Aladwa Arrested

Read Also: Former Nairobi Mayor Incitement Remarks Spark Outrage


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