What Different Types of Farts Say About Your Health

As gross as the subject sounds and most of the time we prefer sweeping it under the carpet and remain mum when we unleash a silent one, farting is a natural human body function which has tremendous benefits to our health.

There are different types of farts which occur in different situations and communicate varied information about our health and even diet.

1.Stinky smell.

The pungent smell mostly linked with the gross smell of eggs is the worst fart one can produce.

The nasty scent could be telling you that something is wrong with your body.

BBC reports that “If you’re producing too much hydrogen and methane (lots of gas), it could be a sign you are not digesting starches and sugars – and they’re fermenting in your gut”.

Scientists have pointed out that high levels of hydrogen sulphide gas could be a sign of a damaged gut lining, inflammatory bowel disease or even bowel cancer.

The fart is associated mostly with people who eat lots of meat, eggs, Broccoli, cabbage and onions.

2. Scentless Fart.

I know you just think this is the best thing that ever happened to humanity especially when in a public place.

According to research a scentless smell is equated to a burp. It is a way of releasing excess air swallowed when talking or drinking fizzy drinks

It is completely healthy and normal.

3. Frequent Farts.

Doctors have revealed that people who frequently fart are vegetarians as their diets are rich in carbohydrates.

Since vegetables are sulfuric in nature they tend to make one have excess gas in the body which needs to be removed.

In as much as farting especially in public is undesirable, there is no cause for alarm letting out the gas frequently as it is perfectly healthy.

A health column states that an average person farts about 14 to 20 times a day.