DP William Ruto Should Suffer the Same Fate as Raila Odinga - Boni Khalwale Explains

Former Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale on Tuesday opined that Deputy President William Ruto should suffer the same fate as National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga by losing the Presidency in 2022.

Speaking during a panel interview on NTV, Khalwale referred to DP Ruto's remarks in the run-up to the 2013 elections where he (Ruto) opposed the conservation of the Mau forest and eviction of illegal settlers.

"It is amazing that today Ruto is leading the voices of logic. I think what we should say is shame on them (Rift Valley leaders)! Shame on them again!

"If Raila paid the price for his stand on the Mau, then the DP should pay the price when he attempts to run for president for the havoc he has caused," Khalwale explained.

Here is the video courtesy of NTV:


Earlier last year, Odinga revisited the issue of why he did not get as much support from the Rift valley region in the 2013 elections explaining that it was because his political competitors made voters believe the 'Mau eviction' was his personal decision.

While campaigning in 2017, DP Ruto urged residents to vote for the Jubilee Party because Odinga was behind the Mau Forest evictions.

“Do not gamble with Raila Odinga. He is the same person who kicked you out of your homes in the Mau in 2009,” the DP claimed while addressing a Kuresoi crowd in Kalenjin.

DP Ruto has since changed his tune over forest conservation after he, last week issued a 90-day ban of logging in all public forests in a bid to protect key water catchment areas that had caused an acute water shortage experienced in the country.

“Deforestation, degradation, and encroachment of water towers and other catchment areas, uncontrolled human activities including wanton logging have threatened and undermined the country’s capability to ensure food security. This situation poses a threat to the achievement of the big four agenda items of the Jubilee Government,” he explained.

Following the announcement, Khalwale challenged the DP to remove all illegal settlements in the Mau forest including former President Daniel Moi's tea estate.

Through his social media, Khalwale stated: "Whenever I overfly the Mau by chopper, I witness serious ongoing deforestation. @WilliamsRuto, has expressed his desire for environmental conservation. This is now the time for us all to remove all illegal settlements in the Mau, including President Moi's tea estate," he tweeted.

[caption caption="Boni Khalwale and DP Ruto"][/caption]

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