The Demand Winnie Mandela Made to Daniel Moi

The late Winnie Madikizela Mandela visited Kenya in July 1990 alongside her husband and South African icon, Nelson Mandela.

Winnie who died on Monday aged 81 came to Kenya on the invitation of the retired President Daniel Arap Moi.

On landing at Nairobi, the couple asked to meet Dedan Kimathi’s widow, Mukami Kimathi, and also wanted to pay homage to the grave of Field Marshall Dedan Kimathi.

[caption caption="Nelson and Winnie Mandela with Daniel Moi"][/caption]

The Mandela's revealed that the Land Freedom Army (LFA), Mau Mau, had inspired African National Congress (ANC)’s military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe.

Their agenda for the trip to Kenya, however, would be met with disappointment since Dedan Kimathi's grave remains "unknown" and "untraceable" in the confines of Kamiti Maximum Security Prison.

Unknown to the Mandela's, Kimathi the beacon to other liberation movements across the globe was not honored in his home country and the government then was clueless on the whereabouts of Mukami.

Besides, the South Africa leaders wanted to meet the former Mau Mau commander, General China (alias Waruhiu Itote).

In a speech delivered at Kasarani Stadium, Mandela stated: "In my 27 years of imprisonment, I always saw the images of fighters such as Kimathi, China, and others as candles in my long and hard war against injustice."

Mandela indicated that it would have been an honor for him and Winnie to pay respect to the Mau Mau heroes.

[caption caption="Winnie Mandela"][/caption]

Winnie and Nelson left Nairobi dejected since none of their requests were met by President Moi; They were not allowed to meet Mukami Kimathi, they could not honor the grave of the man they so much admired, neither would they meet General China.

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