A Land Cruiser with Netherlands number plates pictured under the elevated section of the Nairobi Expressway elicited debate on social media as many queried whether the motorists took six days to arrive in Kenya.
In the viral post that emerged on social media on Tuesday, February 21, it was claimed that it took the adventurer six days from Amsterdam to Nairobi.
The off-road vehicle was also fitted with a rooftop tent that allows travellers to enjoy a good night's rest during their journey.
Kenyans.co.ke. established that it was indeed possible to travel between the two countries in 6 days only if one travelled non-stop or with minimal stops at an average speed. However with traffic disruptions, one could take more than 6 days.
The average speed ranges from 80 kilometres per hour to 120 kilometers per hour given that most of the roads are highways.
A detailed travel guide by Google revealed that it would take approximately 150 hours (6 days and 22 hours) to transverse the 9,617 kilometres journey - the fastest route.
"This route has tolls, includes a ferry, crosses country borders and involves different time zones," read directions by Google Maps.
To cross to the European country, one would have to travel through Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.
The Journey
For a start, a motorist would take the Nairobi - Meru Highway to Marsabit before crossing over to Ethiopia through the Moyale border.
To cross Ethiopia to Sudan - Egpyt border, one is required to use the Adis Adama Expressway on a journey estimated to be 2400 km. Driving through would take roughly 40 hours.
Crossing from Wadi Alfa (Sudan) to Egypt requires one to take a ferry which takes 30 hours to cover 351 kilometres.
After disembarking from the ferry take Al Sad Al Aali Highway to the Luxor Aswan Highway all the way to Hurghada to take a ferry to Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt.
Another ferry is then taken to help one cross to Jordan.
The rest of the journey involves driving through Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovakia, Czechia, and Germany before crossing over to the Netherlands for 52 hours in a 4951-kilometre journey.