Nandi Governor Stephen Sang Bashed for Sending Love Message to Whatsapp Group

Nandi Governor Stephen Sang has been a subject of criticism after he sent a love message to the wrong WhatsApp group. 

Sang, who is the youngest County boss, had texted: "You know I love you, right?"

According to a screenshot of the governor's text, the message was sent to the Terik ward development Whatsapp group.

The group members were surprised by the information in the text. 

"Uyu ni governor (Is this the governor?" a member identified as Kirwa wondered. 

In March, the area senator Kiprotich Cherargei accused the county boss of employing young ladies popularly known as "slay queens" in his office at the expense of qualified personnel. 

However, Sang stated that the legislator's allegations were "baseless and childish."

Taking it to social media, his constituents condemned the governor claiming that he is "focusing on the wrong things instead of building the county."

"You duped the people of NANDI into electing a Slay King instead of a governor. A leader. We won't forgive you," one Sir Rawlings posed.

Others went on speculating who the message was intended for with one user wondering: "Was this directed to his wife or clande (mistress)?"

Upon confirming the number on caller identification app, True Caller,  the number is registered to the Governor.

It is, however, clear that like many people, Governor Sang seems to have accidentally sent the message to the wrong destination.

The popular Brother Ochola, who became an instant internet sensation, also found himself in a similar situation after he accidentally sent an erroneous text dedicated to his love to a church WhatsApp group. 

Governor Sang's communications team has since remained mum on the issue.

[caption caption="Nandi Governor Stephen Sang addressing the public during a past county function"][/caption]

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