Focus on DP William Ruto - Mutahi Ngunyi Advises Raila

Political analyst Prof Mutahi Ngunyi on Sunday explained that Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga's latest round of handshakes leaning towards building political dynasties would cost him his loyal support base and taint his image as a hustler.

In his weekly show the Fifth Estate, the professor and his team from Fort Hall School of Government stated that Raila engaging with dynasties was a wrong move politically.

"Whoever advised him to engage in dynasty project was malicious because Raila is the project of the hustler nation but now he has disowned them in favor of the dynasties and like the prodigal son, Raila has returned to his rich father and with his action, he has revealed that he was a fake hustler in Kibera," he stated,

Prof Ngunyi opined that since Raila had allied himself with the political dynasties, he had created a vacuum in the leaders of the hustlers - a position that would be taken up by Deputy President William Ruto.

[caption caption="Raila Odinga and Mwai Kibaki"][/caption]

"Because he has abandoned the poor, Ruto will become the new prince of the hustler nation. My advice to Raila is this, focus on William Ruto, not on the dynasties," Prof Ngunyi stated.

The team advised DP Ruto to ignore the talk on the creation of the Prime Minister position as it was meant to distract him and a creation of the dynasties.

Earlier in April, Raila met with Moi - present during the meeting were the sons of former Ministers in Moi's government Vihiga Senator George Khaniri son of Nicodemus Khaniri, Mvita MP Ahdulsamad Nassir (Sharif Nassir), Nick Salat (Isaac Salat).

Raila on Saturday came out to defend his handshakes with former Presidents Daniel Moi and Mwai Kibaki.

Speaking during the burial of his uncle Oteke Alogo, Raila conveyed: "We've got independent institutions aimed to provide good governance but something is amiss. Something is not working, which is what we want to resolve.

"We are building bridges across; you have seen me recently talking to different Kenyans all over the country in a bid to unite Kenya. I am going to continue to build bridges that will unite the people of Kenya to be one people," he conveyed.

Here is the video:
