Senator Kabaka Did Not Die of Covid-19 - Family

The late Machakos Senator Boniface Kabaka addresses the media in 2019

The family of the late Boniface Kabaka has cleared the air over the circumstances that led to the death of the Machakos Senator, saying that he did not die of Covid-19 as speculated.

Kabaka, who passed away on Friday, December 11, had been rushed to Nairobi hospital a week earlier after he collapsed in an apartment in Kilimani.  

Speaking at the Lee Funeral Home, Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua who spoke on behalf of the family, issued a statement on the health issues of the deceased. 

The Senator stated that Kabaka succumbed to a stroke, a statement which Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua reiterated. 

The late Senator Boniface Kabaka's widows at Lee Funeral Home, Nairobi on Friday, December 11, 2020

Wambua, who was flanked by Kabaka’s widows Jennifer Mueni and Vascoline Mwanzia, and his mother Magdaline Yula, added that Kabaka had severe headaches prior to his sudden illness on December 4.

He had also been diagnosed with a blood clot in his head and was on medication with his doctors closely monitoring him. 

Wambua said that  Kabaka had also tested positive for Covid-19 two weeks prior to his death, adding that he had recovered and tested negative for the virus. 

Senate Speaker Ken Lusaka added that Kabaka had called him after he had tested positive and went into self-isolation before recovering. 

Kalonzo Musyoka further warned the media and followers from spreading rumours regarding his death which he argued would traumatise his family and relatives.

"It is not easy for any family to go through what this family is going through right now. We pray that God's grace and mercy will be with them," Kalonzo stated. 

The family, however, did not comment on earlier reports that the Senator was rushed to hospital after checking into a Nairobi hotel with a Makueni teacher, Esther Nthenya Muli on Friday, December 4

Muli had been accused of attempted murder but was later released after samples of the late Kabaka cleared suspicions of poisoning.  

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka addresses the media at Lee Funeral Home on Friday, December 11 after the death of Machakos Senator Boniface Kabaka
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