Governor Josphat Nanok Opposes Raila, Vows to Work With Uhuru

Turkana Governor Josphat Nanok on Tuesday defied NASA leader Raila Odinga's call not to recognize Uhuru Kenyatta's as the legitimate President over what he termed as a 'sham' election.

Nanok, who was elected Governor on an ODM ticket, instead, noted that Kenya has only one President and further affirmed that no other election would be held until 2022.

"Kenya has one President who was elected by Kenyans," the Turkana Governor conveyed.

Speaking during Jamhuri Day celebrations at Moi Gardens grounds in Lodwar, he vowed to work with the Jubilee administration for the sake of development in Turkana region.

[caption caption="Governor Nanok with President Uhuru at a past function"][/caption]

"I have to work with the government for the sake of development and drought mitigation, to save our people from shortage of water and food," Mr Nanok stated.

He further faulted a section of Jubilee MPs in the region for failing to achieve development in the area and accused them of working with the government for selfish interests.

“Since the start of the financial year, we have not received funds meant for development. This has affected our operations and stalled most projects," he stated.

However, he promised to cooperate with the President and his deputy William Ruto to end the suffering in the North West part of Kenya.

As the Council of Governors Chairman, Mr Nanok further mentioned that he would chair a committee of 10 members to unite the country following the divisive election period.

[caption caption="Governor Nanok"][/caption]

“Last week, we formed a committee of 10 Governors which I will chair. Its agenda is to unite the country by bringing all stakeholders on board," the County boss stated.